The Texas State Fair is Here!

Today, we're talking about the Great State Fair of Texas! Two presidents have visited the State Fair. William Taft visited in 1909 and Woodrow Wilson visited in 1911. Wilson even gave a speech!

Some of the big attractions back in the day were automobile racing and stunt flying. Things have obviously changed since then, as the closest you'll get to stunt flying is riding the roller coaster and that big Texas Ferris wheel.

In 1929, Texas-OU played their first football game at the State Fair, and in 1930 the Cotton Bowl was built.

As you can see, there's a lot of history involved in the Texas State Fair. There's also a lot to do!

Since the food is a big part of the Fair, you need to check out Fletcher's Corny Dogs and the funnel cakes. You've probably heard of the fried Oreos and the fried lemonade; this year, the rumor is there will be fried cheesecake.

Here are some of my tips to survive the 24-day extravaganza:
  1. Ride Dart. You'll get right up to the front admission gate. Easy in, easy out, gets you right to the front admission gate
  2. Spend some time planning your day. Look up a map and pick some places to go in order to maximize your experience!
  3. Split those fried foods with someone. This helps you go easy on your waistline and your wallet.
  4. Take advantage of all the discounts! This year, there will be Thrifty Thursdays, so you can look up coupons and stretch your dollar further.
This wonderful fair is underway so get out there and enjoy it. If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! And, if you go to the fair, say hi to Big Tex for me!

Four Hidden Fees When You Buy a Home

A lot of home buyers purchase homes only to find out that there a lot more hidden fees than they thought. The sale price of the home is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the money that you'll be spending.

Realizing that there will be extra fees in your purchase is important because you want to buy a home with plenty of room to spare financially. Here are four hidden fees that many buyers do not think about.

1. Property taxes and homeowner's insurance
2. Heating, cooling, and utility costs
3. You may want to make upgrades when you purchase, and those can add up
4. Furnishings may very well be the largest expense that's not considered

All of these hidden fees and expenses can add up quickly, so you need to prepare for them before you buy a home. I haven't even mentioned that you'll also have to pay for home inspections, title searches, and other closing costs.

If you want to plan a financial road map for your home purchase, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to speak with you about planning your home purchase in North Texas!