2016 Predictions for Home Values and Interest Rates

The Federal Housing and Financing Agency has conducted a year-over-year study on home values and how they’ve increased in different parts of the country. The West South Central region, for instance, has increased in value by 6.92% over the last year. Texas alone is only one of ten states to have increased over 8% in home values. We have a strong economy.

Freddie Mac’s economic outlook predicts our interest rates will increase next year. By the end of 2016, they expect interest rates to be around 5%. How does that affect you? If we look at purchasing a home, even a 1% hike dramatically affects a home sale. For instance, a $250,000 home now would cost $261,250 this time next year with a 1% rate increase. That makes monthly payments increase to $217.27 more a month compared to buying that home now.

It’s always good to be shopping around for the best interest rates. Always check your credit score and your debt-to-income ratios.

HUD has already put out it’s 2016 FHA loan limits. They will be increasing those limits in 188 countries next year. This backs up information that Freddie Mac reported on. They’re already thinking about it. If interest rates rise, loan limits will rise. The likelihood of interest rates going up is high!

As a buyer, it is going to cost you more money to purchase a home. This also affects rent prices, which will also be on the rise. It’s a great time to buy a home. You'll have the advantage of home appreciation and excellent rates. If you’re going to live somewhere, it’s best to invest in a home and build equity.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, give us a call or send an email today!

Four Reasons to Hire Me in North Texas

When you're looking to buy or sell a home in North Texas, you need to choose the right agent. A good real estate agent can make all the difference in the world. Today I have four reasons why you should consider hiring me.

1. I am a full time, professional real estate agent. I've worked in the trenches, I know how to negotiate, and I know my way around common obstacles. I use fact, not opinion, to put you in a winning position.

2. I will be proactive in handling your transaction. Your wants and needs will be satisfied before they even arise, and this will guarantee a smooth and stress-free transaction.

3. My business uses systems that are proven to work. Harvard Business did a study to show that businesses with systems in place get predictable, repeatable results. We have sales plans, communication plans, negotiation tactics, scripts for sales presentations, and more. We follow these plans and we execute them to your satisfaction.

4. I have ten years of experience, and I know how to navigate the waters of the real estate market. I've seen a lot of different situations arise, and I'm confident that I can steer you towards a successful transaction whether you're buying or selling!

These are only a few of the reasons why you should consider hiring me as your agent. We're the best in North Texas, and we would love the opportunity to show you that!

How Can You Make the Moving Process Easier?

Moving can be stressful, but it doesn't need to be. To ensure the moving process goes smoothly for you, we want to share a few tips that will make all the difference. Whether you're working with an agent or selling by yourself, we want to help make the process as smooth as possible for you and your family.

Before you start the moving process, it's important to have the necessary supplies on hand. Have boxes, tape, blankets, dollies, and other essential items on hand in order to ensure you waste no time getting things packed up. When packing your belongings, you need to consider using high quality boxes and cartons to help minimize the amount of damage done to items when they're shipped or driven to your destination.

Once you have packed things up, ensure to keep the boxes organized by room and know how many boxes you have used for each room. It's not a bad idea to keep a master list of all the boxes you have packed and which rooms they belong to. This is what the pros do to ensure they don't lose any items in the move.

Another good idea to keep in mind while packing is to place heavier items on the bottom of the box and lighter items on top. A lot of times, when you're packing many different items in a single box, using towels, sheets, or blankets to fill the gaps between items in the box will prevent things from moving around and breaking during the move.

When you're breaking down bigger items, like beds and dressers, it's important to keep all the screws, nuts, and bolts together; place them in a bag and store it near the furniture it belongs to. There is nothing worse than getting to your destination and not having the pieces to put your furniture together.

You want to ensure you don't pack boxes heavier than 50 pounds. This will make them easier to maneuver and allow you to fill in the empty spaces in the truck. The tighter the truck is packed, the less likely things will move around and break during the move.

For electronics, it's not a bad idea to take a photo of the back of your devices - such as you DVD player and surround sound system - so you remember how to set them up properly when you begin settling down in your new home.

If you found this information helpful don't hesitate to reach out to us for more great moving tips. We have a whole list of things you need to take care of in order to ensure your move goes as smooth as possible.

We look forward to talking to you soon!

What Advantages Do Holiday Sellers Have?

Today we are going to talk about why you should consider selling your home during the holidays. Most people think that the spring is the best time to sell, and while there is more activity at that time of year, selling your home during the holidays offers its own unique set of advantages. By the time January rolls around, there will be less demand for your home, so hitting the market during the sweet spot at the end of the year is crucial. We’ve got plenty of great tips for you to help you make sure your sale is a success. They are:

  1. The buyers out looking at this time are more serious.
  2. These buyers also have less inventory to choose from.
  3. Houses show better when decorated for the holidays.
  4. Buyers are more emotional during the holidays, and more likely to pay your price.
  5. Some people need to buy before the end of the year for tax reasons.
  6. January is when most employee transfers happen. You’ve got to be on the market while they are looking, in the fall, to capture those buyers.
  7. You can sell for more money in the fall than you can right now.
  8. You can restrict your showings, and delay your closing until after the end of the year.

These are just a few of the reasons you should consider selling this fall. By selling now, you have the opportunity to be a non-contingent buyer in the spring, when prices are lower. Selling high and buying low is the perfect recipe in real estate, and you have the chance to do that now.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why Are Home Inspections Essential for Buyers?

Today we want to explain to you why home inspections are so essential when buying a home. First, let’s take a look at what a home inspection actually is. A home inspection is a physical examination of all the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other essential structural components of the home.

Most inspections happen in the option period of the contract, which usually lasts 7-10 days. Most inspectors charge $300-$400 depending on the size of the home. They are going to identify any and all material defects in the home. This will do a few things. For one, it will give you peace of mind that you are living in a safe house. It will also let you know how the current systems in the house are performing and what their lifespan is. 

If there does end up being an issue with something, having a home inspection done during the option period of the contract will allow you to be able to go back to  the seller and negotiate the repairs. 

If you have any questions for us about home inspections or why they should be part of every home purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

The Texas State Fair is Here!

Today, we're talking about the Great State Fair of Texas! Two presidents have visited the State Fair. William Taft visited in 1909 and Woodrow Wilson visited in 1911. Wilson even gave a speech!

Some of the big attractions back in the day were automobile racing and stunt flying. Things have obviously changed since then, as the closest you'll get to stunt flying is riding the roller coaster and that big Texas Ferris wheel.

In 1929, Texas-OU played their first football game at the State Fair, and in 1930 the Cotton Bowl was built.

As you can see, there's a lot of history involved in the Texas State Fair. There's also a lot to do!

Since the food is a big part of the Fair, you need to check out Fletcher's Corny Dogs and the funnel cakes. You've probably heard of the fried Oreos and the fried lemonade; this year, the rumor is there will be fried cheesecake.

Here are some of my tips to survive the 24-day extravaganza:
  1. Ride Dart. You'll get right up to the front admission gate. Easy in, easy out, gets you right to the front admission gate
  2. Spend some time planning your day. Look up a map and pick some places to go in order to maximize your experience!
  3. Split those fried foods with someone. This helps you go easy on your waistline and your wallet.
  4. Take advantage of all the discounts! This year, there will be Thrifty Thursdays, so you can look up coupons and stretch your dollar further.
This wonderful fair is underway so get out there and enjoy it. If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! And, if you go to the fair, say hi to Big Tex for me!

Four Hidden Fees When You Buy a Home

A lot of home buyers purchase homes only to find out that there a lot more hidden fees than they thought. The sale price of the home is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the money that you'll be spending.

Realizing that there will be extra fees in your purchase is important because you want to buy a home with plenty of room to spare financially. Here are four hidden fees that many buyers do not think about.

1. Property taxes and homeowner's insurance
2. Heating, cooling, and utility costs
3. You may want to make upgrades when you purchase, and those can add up
4. Furnishings may very well be the largest expense that's not considered

All of these hidden fees and expenses can add up quickly, so you need to prepare for them before you buy a home. I haven't even mentioned that you'll also have to pay for home inspections, title searches, and other closing costs.

If you want to plan a financial road map for your home purchase, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to speak with you about planning your home purchase in North Texas!

Winning Strategies for Multiple Offer Situations

We're seeing a lot of multiple offer situations here in Northern Texas. Today I'll go over a few strategies to help you put together a winning offer. 

One of the strategies that I've found successful is to offer the seller a lease back. A typical closing period lasts about 30 to 45 days. If you offer the seller a lease back, that gives them a longer period of time to find their next property, along with the confidence that they can stay in the home until the time comes to move onto the next one. This option is appealing to many sellers. 

I also recommend making your strategy as clean as possible. Don't ask for a title policy, don't ask for closing costs, and offer to pay for your own home warranty. Typically, if these items are included in the contract, it's the seller's responsibility to cover those costs. When you're up against other offers, not asking for those items sets you apart from the competition. 

Another option is to leave the close date open-ended in the contract. If you do not have time constraints on when to move, letting the seller choose the closing date offers them a bit more flexibility. This can be a win-win for both sides, because offering that flexibility would certainly make you stand out against competing offers. 

Of course, each situation is different between the buyer and the seller. The communication between your agent and the seller's agent is very important, because your agent can figure out how to position your offer favorably to the seller. 

If you have any questions about real estate, please send me an email, and I'll be sure to answer them in a future video. We would love to hear from you!

Are Pre-Approvals Important When Buying?

Welcome back to the blog, everyone. Today we will discuss why you need to be pre-approved in a multiple offer environment.

Here in Allen, we have seen multiple offer situations occur much more frequently as of late. Having a pre-approval can really help you stand out in this type of situation. The number 1 reason to be pre-approved is that it shows the seller as well as their agent that you have done your due diligence and are ready to move forward with a transaction. 

Another reason to be pre-approved is to ensure there are no hiccups in terms of getting approved for a loan. This will give the agent and the seller peace of mind by letting them know you will be able to afford that home. Another reason to get a pre-approval is to get your offer to stand out among the other offers being given. 

If you have any questions for us, just give us a quick call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you!

Why Is the Allen Market so Active?

Welcome back everyone, today we are coming to you with our latest market update. A lot of people have been asking us lately whether we are in a buyer's or seller's market. With less than 2 months of inventory, as well as upward pressure on pricing and more buyers than sellers in the market, we are definitely in a seller's market. 

What this means for sellers is that you are going to get a premium price and multiple offers. However, in order to take advantage of these conditions, you've still got to have the right marketing, the right price, and the right agent. Those ingredients never change.

As for buyers, you need to focus on three key things:
  • Be reasonable with what you're looking for
  • Be prepared for multiple offers
  • Have a good, clear understanding of your expectations

If you have any question for us, or are looking to buy or sell in Allen, let us know. Give us a call or send us an email, and we can get started helping you achieve your real estate goals.